May Day-2015

May Day today . The day is being observed in Bangladesh as elsewhere in the world in a befitting manner. May 1, which is also observed as International Workers’ Day, is a public holiday in Bangladesh. Different organizations, including labour, socio-cultural and political, have chalked out elabotrate programmes to mark the day befittingly. The government has planned various programme to observe May 1. Brief history: In the late 19th century, May Day was selected as the date for International Workers’ Day as a celebration of the labourers and working classes that is promoted by the international labour movements, socialists, anarchists. The date was chosen by the Second International – the original Socialist International, an organisation of socialist and labour parties formed in Paris in 1889. It was to commemorate the Haymarket affair, the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labour demonstration on 4 may 1886 at Haymarket Square in Chicago, USA. Although May Day is traditionally a European spring celebration, it is marked by many countries as Labour Day or International Workers’ Day, according to a news agency.

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